
Dr. Rhoton Quotes You Don’t Want To Miss!

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Dr. Rhoton Quotes You Don’t Want To Miss!

If you don’t follow us on social media you may have missed our growing collection of Dr. Rhoton Quotes!

Dr. Rhoton is the owner, and CEO of Arizona Trauma Institute, as well as the President of Trauma Institute International. He has been inspiring students around the globe for years with his easy-to-grasp way of teaching and his memorable and highly quotable quick takes. We hope you enjoy this “Collection of Bobs” and that you may consider liking and following our social channels. Following our social channels will keep you informed of any quick changes to the schedule, help you discover more of what ATI has to offer, and hopefully entertain you a little!

Thanks for stopping by!

Please enjoy, this collection of Dr. Rhoton’s Quotes.


Written by Robert Rhoton Psy D., LPC, D.A.A.E.T.S.

Dr. Robert Rhoton, CEO of Arizona Trauma Institute and President at the Trauma Institute International possesses a rich history of experience in the mental health field.


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Arizona Trauma Institute
49 South Sycamore Street, Suite 2
Mesa, Arizona 85202

Office: (480) 442-1840
