There are many influences that tend to be ignored systemically in the mental health culture.
Typically, counselors and therapists tend to believe that the client’s belief systems are faulty, even going so far as to label them as irrational beliefs. What is often overlooked or ignored is that beliefs develop as a result of an individual learning history, where most of the learning has been automatic, sensory-based, and environmentally embedded.
This simple assumption that is so prevalent in the mental health culture creates an emotional load, that reinforces client deficit rather than competency.
This simple assumption that is so prevalent in the mental health culture creates an emotional load, that reinforces client deficit rather than competency. Undermining the client’s already challenged self-view and in some cases acts as a confirmation of the abnormality of the client. This is unkind, and certainly, no way to compassionately help someone to heal or transform their lives.
When we understand that thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are the result of interactions between the individual and their environment (including both internal and external factors), we can start to develop a more nuanced and compassionate understanding of our clients. By applying trauma sensitivity, we can see them as individuals who are doing the best they can.

Written by Robert Rhoton Psy D., LPC, D.A.A.E.T.S.
Dr. Robert Rhoton, CEO of Arizona Trauma Institute and President at the Trauma Institute International possesses a rich history of experience in the mental health field.