Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist – Family

Course Description

The Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist – Family (CCTS-F) course presented by Dr. Robert Rhoton, PsyD, LPC, F.A.A.E.T.S. is designed using evidenced-based leading edge interventions and protocols that clinicians can immediately implement to augment their work treating survivors of trauma within a family context. This course is taught using demonstrations, role play, simulations, and the utilization of a clinician intervention implementation format. The Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist – Family (CCTS-F) course examines the (dynamic elements/active ingredients) of trauma treatment, allowing the learner to increase their effectiveness with any model of family treatment in which they have training. The (dynamic elements/active ingredients) approach will aid clinicians in addressing and resolving client and family traumatic stress even when other primary diagnoses are present. The design and implementation of treatment can have a powerful transformational effect that rapidly accelerates treatment.


Learning Objectives

  • Conceptualize the specific tasks within each of the (dynamic elements/active ingredients) of treatment
  • Efficiently and effectively bring resolution and healing
  • Learn how to explain the symptoms of traumatic stress to clients and their family in a way that helps makes “good sense” of their experiences
  • Maximizes engagement and collaboration in the healing process
  • Develop skills for helping trauma survivors rapidly stabilize and utilize skills for self-regulation
  • Learn empirical markers to know when it is safe to transition from the safety/stabilization phase of treatment into the trauma memory processing phase without guesswork and minimal crises
  • Construct verbal, graphic, and non-verbal trauma narratives—identified by research as one of the critical ingredients in resolving traumatic stress
  • Demonstrate state-of-the-art techniques and activities for supporting and facilitating healthy bereavement
  • Learn when to support natural mourning processes
  • Learn when to offer facilitation when the natural mourning processes become thwarted to be able to confidently manage the trajectory of treatment with survivors of trauma from diagnosis to termination

Learn More About this Course HERE

Arizona Trauma Institute
49 South Sycamore Street, Suite 2
Mesa, Arizona 85202

Email: help@aztrauma.org