Shame – Clinical Implications for Treatment

Course Description

Continuing Education Hours: 5.5

This training will introduce clinicians to a framework of shame as an emotion that is both triggered by and healed in interpersonal relationships. The training will review, compare, and contrast shame versus guilt with the intent to help learners identify the pros/cons of both emotions. Various conceptualizations of shame will be reviewed with a focus on psychodynamic and family systems’ theories and the role of the ego in the creation of and healing of shame. An exploration of the bidirectional relationship between shame and trauma will be reviewed. Implications for treatment will be explored in order to support providers in treating shame with their patients through a systematic approach designed to identify patient values. Learners will also be provided ways to identify their own shame in order to mitigate countertransference and remain “safe” as providers.

Learning Objectives

  • Participants will identify 2 ways guilt and shame are different and impact people differently
  • Participants will identify 2 pros/cons of guilt and shame as affective experiences
  • Participants will identify 3 ways shame informs clinical treatment, case conceptualization, and intervention
  • Participants will identify 2 ways shame and trauma bidirectionally impact each other
  • Participants will identify 3 ways values support a patient’s ability to manage shame
  • Participants will identify 3 ways to understand and manage their own shame in order to mitigate countertransference from negatively impacting treatment

Learn More About this Course HERE

Arizona Trauma Institute
49 South Sycamore Street, Suite 2
Mesa, Arizona 85202
