Somatic and Body-Based Self-Regulation

An Introduction to Somatic Techniques in Therapy

Course Description

Continuing Education Hours: 9

This training provides an introduction to the theory behind use of the body in therapeutic practice. The presenter will introduce poly-vagal theory, and the principals of sensorimotor psychotherapy and somatic therapy. Relational neurobiology and concepts from attachment theory will also be integrated into the presentation. The impact of trauma on the body will be explored throughout the presentation. The presenter will provide multi-sensory body-based experiential activities for professionals to use for themselves and also to introduce with their clients.

Learning Objectives

  • Participants will understand the impact of trauma on the body
  • Participants will understand the theory behind common body-based therapies
  • Participants will understand the role of the therapist in body-based healing and the role of the relationship
  • Participants will learn exercises to use for themselves using the body
  • Participants will learn body-based exercises to use with their clients

Learn More About this Course HERE

Arizona Trauma Institute
49 South Sycamore Street, Suite 2
Mesa, Arizona 85202
