by Robert Rhoton | Aug 3, 2023 | Blog
IN HEALING AND PROBLEM-SOLVING Why does healing fail to happen when the available resources and assets are being ignored, or overlooked because all attention and energy is on the “problem”? With busy lives filled with daily stressors and challenges, it is...
by Robert Rhoton | Apr 25, 2023 | Blog
Effective Trauma-Informed communication, regardless of your role as a therapist or a coach involves more than just speaking or writing well. Here are the 5 basic skills of an effective communicator: 1 | Listening: Effective communicators actively listen to others, pay...
by Robert Rhoton | Apr 7, 2023 | Blog
Trauma is a difficult topic to discuss. It can cause feelings of shame, guilt, and isolation, and may lead to difficulties in interpersonal relationships and self-esteem. While the effects of trauma can be devastating, it is important to remember that there are people...
by Robert Rhoton | Feb 17, 2023 | Blog
↪ THE ESSENTIAL ROLE OF REGULATION IN SHAPING OUR QUALITY OF LIFE Our quality of life is ultimately shaped by our ability to think and reason. We are all equipped with a natural capacity for pre-creation, but unhealthy patterns or beliefs can get in the way of...
by | Jan 15, 2023 | Blog
Using The Salutogenic Approach Neurodiversity is complicated and often misunderstood. Oftentimes, people with neurodiversities are wrongly labeled or stigmatized—sometimes even by those who are close to them. There’s a better way to interact with these...
by | Dec 31, 2022 | Blog
How The Drive For Organizational Efficiency Destroys Trauma-Informed Care I sat in a meeting of leaders from a variety of nonprofits that provide services to the mental health community. The meeting progressed, and as it did so a stunning feeling of...
by | Nov 16, 2022 | Blog
Home is the foundation of a healthy life, including mental health… …and no other instrumentality (therapy or social services) can take its place nor fulfill its essential functions. Many professionals in the mental health field provide services for youth...
by | Oct 14, 2022 | Blog
A New Approach to Helping Others In the early 1970s, cognitive psychologist George Kelly developed the idea of expectancy, which posits that WE TEND TO GET MORE OF WHAT WE FOCUS ON. This theory has important implications for those of us in the helping...
by | Oct 7, 2022 | Blog
From Adversity to Asset-Based Thinking THE FIELD OF COUNSELING IS SHIFTING. For too long, the focus has been on what is wrong with the client. This deficit-based thinking has served to pathologize clients and label them as damaged goods. However, a new movement...
by | Aug 8, 2022 | Album
If you don’t follow us on social media you may have missed our growing collection of Dr. Rhoton Quotes! Dr. Rhoton is the owner, and CEO of Arizona Trauma Institute, as well as the President of Trauma Institute International. He has been inspiring students...