Are You Resilient?

Are You Resilient?

  How do you become more resilient? Resilience is often thought of as a personality trait.  You either have it or you don’t. But according to the research, that’s not the case. Resilience is a skill that can be learned. And it’s a skill that can...
Why are so many people unmotivated?

Why are so many people unmotivated?

Or is that our bias? We are all motivated by different things.  For some of us, motivating factors might include wanting to feel happy, wanting to help others, or wanting to achieve a goal. Often people with complex or chronic trauma histories are frequently motivated...
What about developmental trauma?

What about developmental trauma?

It is estimated that 95% of the thoughts we have each day are the same thoughts we had yesterday. This means that most of our thoughts are not helpful, tend to be habitual, and are not part of our conscious awareness and that may even be harmful.  Do you ever feel...


Do You Have the Power to Heal Your Shame?   Shame is a complex human emotion that we all experience at one time or another. You might feel shame because of something about your appearance, events related to your family, or even a lack of education. You might feel...
Irrational Beliefs

Irrational Beliefs

There are many influences that tend to be ignored systemically in the mental health culture. Typically, counselors and therapists tend to believe that the client’s belief systems are faulty, even going so far as to label them as irrational beliefs. What is often...
CPTSD & The Inner Critic

CPTSD & The Inner Critic

The inner critic is a well-known concept in psychology, referring to the part of the psyche that judges and criticizes our behavior. One might think of this as a form of radar, and while there may be many things showing up on the radar system, not everything is of...