by Robert Rhoton | Aug 3, 2023 | Blog
IN HEALING AND PROBLEM-SOLVING Why does healing fail to happen when the available resources and assets are being ignored, or overlooked because all attention and energy is on the “problem”? With busy lives filled with daily stressors and challenges, it is...
by Robert Rhoton | Apr 25, 2023 | Blog
Effective Trauma-Informed communication, regardless of your role as a therapist or a coach involves more than just speaking or writing well. Here are the 5 basic skills of an effective communicator: 1 | Listening: Effective communicators actively listen to others, pay...
by Roderick Logan | Apr 24, 2023 | Blog
When coming face to face with our vulnerabilities or and in the aftermath of a major setback in our plans, there is a stark difference between surviving and recovering. To fully process and benefit from what is happening, we need transcendent leadership. This is a...
by Robert Rhoton | Apr 7, 2023 | Blog
Trauma is a difficult topic to discuss. It can cause feelings of shame, guilt, and isolation, and may lead to difficulties in interpersonal relationships and self-esteem. While the effects of trauma can be devastating, it is important to remember that there are people...
by Roderick Logan | Apr 6, 2023 | Blog
PPL: Past Painful Learning inflicts all of us. In one moment we feel safe and we are engaging with the world, then a trigger occurs…Our present is interrupted by sentiments, scenes, smells, sounds, or sensations of the past. One or more of which transports our...
by Roderick Logan | Apr 6, 2023 | Blog
Socializing at work is essential for effectively managing stress. Sharing experiences, talking about struggles, and connecting with others actually helps employees and leaders alike to be more adaptive when facing crises or taking a risk to bring forward an innovative...
by | Mar 3, 2023 | Blog
LESSONS FROM TRAUMA AND RESILIENCE LIFE COACH TRAINING As a Trauma and Resilience Life Coaching program trainer and facilitator, I have gained a new understanding of humanity. Every participant in our program has faced adversity, lost a loved one in tragic...
by Roderick Logan | Feb 1, 2023 | Blog
At The 10th Annual Conference On Holistic Health → SPONSORED BY: One of the honors afforded to the faculty of the Arizona Trauma Institute is to connect with associations that bring compassionate caregivers together and to present to them the latest in...
by | Jan 16, 2023 | Blog
Injured, But Not Defeated There, in an ancient text lies a statement of profound truth, with far-reaching implications. It reads, “*But the more they were oppressed, the more they increased…* (Exodus 1:12).” More than 4000 years later this hope finds a renewed...
by | Jan 15, 2023 | Blog
Using The Salutogenic Approach Neurodiversity is complicated and often misunderstood. Oftentimes, people with neurodiversities are wrongly labeled or stigmatized—sometimes even by those who are close to them. There’s a better way to interact with these...