by Roderick Logan | Apr 6, 2023 | Blog
PPL: Past Painful Learning inflicts all of us. In one moment we feel safe and we are engaging with the world, then a trigger occurs…Our present is interrupted by sentiments, scenes, smells, sounds, or sensations of the past. One or more of which transports our...
by Roderick Logan | Apr 6, 2023 | Blog
Socializing at work is essential for effectively managing stress. Sharing experiences, talking about struggles, and connecting with others actually helps employees and leaders alike to be more adaptive when facing crises or taking a risk to bring forward an innovative...
by Robert Rhoton | Feb 17, 2023 | Blog
↪ THE ESSENTIAL ROLE OF REGULATION IN SHAPING OUR QUALITY OF LIFE Our quality of life is ultimately shaped by our ability to think and reason. We are all equipped with a natural capacity for pre-creation, but unhealthy patterns or beliefs can get in the way of...
by | Jan 16, 2023 | Blog
Injured, But Not Defeated There, in an ancient text lies a statement of profound truth, with far-reaching implications. It reads, “*But the more they were oppressed, the more they increased…* (Exodus 1:12).” More than 4000 years later this hope finds a renewed...
by | Aug 8, 2022 | Album
If you don’t follow us on social media you may have missed our growing collection of Dr. Rhoton Quotes! Dr. Rhoton is the owner, and CEO of Arizona Trauma Institute, as well as the President of Trauma Institute International. He has been inspiring students...
by | Jun 17, 2022 | Blog
Or is that our bias? We are all motivated by different things. For some of us, motivating factors might include wanting to feel happy, wanting to help others, or wanting to achieve a goal. Often people with complex or chronic trauma histories are frequently motivated...
by | May 26, 2022 | Events, Program
For the very first time, with Arizona Trauma Institute, EMCC invites you to join them for 2 events in July: Motivating The Traumatized Client and Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist for Individuals (CCTS-I), presented by Dr. Robert Rhoton. EMCC, located in Singapore,...
by Lucille | Dec 16, 2019 | Blog
Creating A Relaxing Environment At Home The world is a hard place to live in these days. Your home should be your sanctuary from the world, but it can be hard to make it feel that way when you are struggling to deal with your own mental health and trauma. However,...