CPTSD & The Inner Critic

CPTSD & The Inner Critic

The inner critic is a well-known concept in psychology, referring to the part of the psyche that judges and criticizes our behavior. One might think of this as a form of radar, and while there may be many things showing up on the radar system, not everything is of...
Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence

Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence

Sexual violence is a trauma that knows no boundaries.  It does not discriminate based on racial, ethnic, or cultural backgrounds. Sexual violence is a horrific and heartbreaking reality that affects people from all walks of life. Victims vary by social class,...
Loving Them Is Not Enough Review

Loving Them Is Not Enough Review

I recently watched Loving Them Is Not Enough, a three part video series led by Crystal Krueger, LMFT, CCTS-F that is aimed at helping foster parents to care for children that have been through trauma. While this series may have been designed for foster parents though,...
Is It Ever Easy?

Is It Ever Easy?

Is parenting hard? I mean, is it hard work? My experience has taught me to not overlook the obvious question; and intentionally ignoring it does not make it go away. Here is the truth about parenting. Every child is worthwhile and every child comes with hard parts. It...
When Anxiety Continues After Baby is Home from the NICU

When Anxiety Continues After Baby is Home from the NICU

Experiencing the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Having a child in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) can be scary for many parents.  Seeing your child hooked up to monitors, IVs and leads, not knowing what is going to happen to your baby or how you can help,...
What Is Forward-Facing® Anyway?

What Is Forward-Facing® Anyway?

What comes up when you hear the term “Forward-Facing®”? A quick Google search shows us that the most common perception of “forward-facing” is an option for installing a car seat.  But Forward-Facing® is different; it is both a concept and a way of life that is...
DBT Skills for Trauma and Attachment Starved Clients

DBT Skills for Trauma and Attachment Starved Clients

Dejaye Botkin is joining our team at Arizona Trauma Institute and Trauma Institute International teaching a course called DBT Skills for Trauma and Attachment Starved Clients. Over the past 20 years working in the field of co-occurring disorders, Dejaye has recognized...
Change Isn’t Enough, I Must Mature

Change Isn’t Enough, I Must Mature

Don’t ask what you want from life. Ask what life wants from you (Viktor Frankl). There are several areas of life that one can grow and mature, but one that is often ignored is perceptual maturation. Long before I’m aware of others, I’m aware of me. How I perceive me...
A Letter to Dr. Gentry Part #1

A Letter to Dr. Gentry Part #1

A letter to Dr. Gentry from Rebecca Leimkuehler, Principal of Holiday Park School Over the last few months I have written dozens of emails to you, all stored in my drafts, concerning work. They were never sent as I am just not clear on the direction. At the end of the...