How to Balance the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
When the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is out of balance, it can lead to a variety of negative health outcomes.
June is Pride Month
It’s June and that means it’s Pride Month! So, Jess Fletcher, one of our teachers here at Arizona Trauma Institute, has compiled many resources to support your growth and understanding of the LGBTQIA+ Community.
July 2022 Programs Provided by EMCC with Arizona Trauma Institute
For the very first time, with Arizona Trauma Institute, EMCC invites you to join them for 2 events in July: Motivating The Traumatized Client and Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist for Individuals (CCTS-I), presented by Dr. Robert Rhoton. EMCC, located in Singapore,...
You might feel shame because of something about your appearance, events related to your family, or even a lack of education. You might feel you’re not worthy somehow. Shame shows itself in many forms. But the one common thread is that shame makes you feel terrible about yourself. Is healing shame possible?
Irrational Beliefs
There are many influences that tend to be ignored systemically in the mental health culture.
Does Optimal Living Mean Existing in a State of Perfect Happiness and Health?
Trauma can have a profound and long-lasting impact on every facet of a person’s life.
Dr. Rhoton, has been nominated for the 2022 RISE Awards!
The RISE Awards is an annual recognition program to recognize people in our community working to make the lives of others better. RISE stands for Resilience, Innovation, Service and Empowerment.
Click HERE to view the upcoming schedule & enroll in this class. Why pursue certification as a Clinical Trauma Specialist? Rapidly expanding research and new insights into the brain, body, and memory raise new issues that challenge traditional models of therapy....
HEALTH AND WELLNESS FOR TRAUMA: Sleep, Nutrition, Movement and Stress Management
Health and Wellness for Trauma: Sleep, Nutrition, Movement & Stress Management
CPTSD & The Inner Critic
The inner critic is a well-known concept in psychology, referring to the part of the psyche that judges and criticizes our behavior.
Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence
Sexual violence is a trauma that knows no boundaries. It does not discriminate based on racial, ethnic, or cultural backgrounds.
How does trauma affect motivation?
Our understanding of motivation and motivation decision-making has long been based on an assumption. Many assume motivation is driven by task-related factors such as values, efficacy, and causality. However, in the presence of chronic or complex trauma, this misunderstanding must shift.
Dr. Rhoton Will Be Teaching in Pakistan in July 2022
Dr. Rhoton will be teaching in Pakistan in July 2022!
BOOK GROUP | April 2022
This month join me in reading, NO VISIBLE BRUISES: WHAT WE DON'T KNOW ABOUT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CAN KILL US by Rachel Louise Snyder SUMMARY In No Visible Bruises, journalist Rachel Louise Snyder frames this urgent and immersive account of the scale of domestic violence...
Sexual Assault Awareness Month & Child Abuse Prevention Month
Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month - #SAAPM RESOURCES TO ASSIST YOUR ADVOCACY ARIZONA TRAUMA INSTITUTE CLASSES TO ASSIST YOUR ADVOCACY Hit & Kiss: Attachment and Intimate Violence...

Arizona Trauma Institute
49 South Sycamore Street, Suite 2
Mesa, Arizona 85202