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Resilience: Just what is needed?

Resilience: Just what is needed?

In this era of toxic stress, trauma, and over-worked threat response systems what do you imagine is most needed? Here’s my argument for resilience, and by this I don’t mean makeovers and body augmentations. No image managing here. So, what is resilience? Resilience is...

Change Isn’t Enough, I Must Mature

Change Isn’t Enough, I Must Mature

Don’t ask what you want from life. Ask what life wants from you (Viktor Frankl). There are several areas of life that one can grow and mature, but one that is often ignored is perceptual maturation. Long before I’m aware of others, I’m aware of me. How I perceive me...

Prostitution – Cultural Misconceptions and The Harm We Cause

Prostitution – Cultural Misconceptions and The Harm We Cause

Prostitution - Cultural Misconceptions and The Harm We Cause By: Dr. Stephanie Thurston-Simmons, LPC, LSOTP, CH I recently received a couple of emails from colleagues that bothered me down to my core. One was from a polygrapher who has polygraphed my sex offender...

A Letter to Dr. Gentry Part #2

A Letter to Dr. Gentry Part #2

A letter to Dr. Gentry from Rebecca Leimkuehler, Principal of Holiday Park School For me, this is what I know. Children deserve better. They need champions that will not rest until the types of beings we are raising becomes as, if not more, important as the academic...

A Letter to Dr. Gentry Part #1

A Letter to Dr. Gentry Part #1

A letter to Dr. Gentry from Rebecca Leimkuehler, Principal of Holiday Park School Over the last few months I have written dozens of emails to you, all stored in my drafts, concerning work. They were never sent as I am just not clear on the direction. At the end of the...

Terrorizing children to make their parents behave?

Terrorizing children to make their parents behave?

I am deeply concerned about America, the America I grew to maturity within has changed significantly.  As a people we have always been compassionate, did we make bad choices and let ego and hubris interrupt that compassion at times?  Yes, we have, and afterward, there...

Don’t Wait, Don’t Rush

Don’t Wait, Don’t Rush

Don't Wait, Don't Rush Trauma Informed Parenting Making Space to Heal There's the adopted child who comes to the parent and asks about his before life; the foster child who is anxious to talk about her feelings. Then, there are those who say nothing and ask nothing....

TraumAddiction: Part 4

TraumAddiction: Part 4

TRAUMADDICTION: SAFETY AND STABILIZATION FOR THE ADDICTED SURVIVOR OF TRAUMA by Eric Gentry Ph.D., LMHC, D.A.A.E.T.S. Amy Menna, LCSW Marjie Scofield, MSW Skills for Developing, Maintaining & Enhancing Safety In order to fully resolve traumatic material, feelings...

TraumAddiction: Part 3

Safety and Stabilization for the Addicted Survivor of Trauma by Eric Gentry, Ph.D, LMHC, CAC, CTS Amy Menna, LCSW Marjie Scofield, MSW  April 1, 2004 Treatment of The Addicted Survivor of Trauma A survivor of trauma is at a significantly greater risk of developing...



TraumAddiction: Safety and Stabilization for the Addicted Survivor of Trauma by Eric Gentry, Ph.D, LMHC, CAC, CTS Amy Menna, LCSW Marjie Scofield, MSW  April 1, 2004   Arousal Symptoms    Brad feels anxious and decides to smoke a cigarette hoping it will...

TraumAddiction: Part 4


TraumAddiction: Safety and Stabilization for the Addicted Survivor of Trauma by Eric Gentry, Ph.D, LMHC, CAC, CTS Amy Menna, LCSW Marjie Scofield, MSW  April 1, 2004 TraumAddiction: Safety and Stabilization Erica is an attractive, 30-year-old woman who recently...

Arizona Trauma Institute
49 South Sycamore Street, Suite 2
Mesa, Arizona 85202
