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PTSD and Car Accidents

PTSD and Car Accidents

The Arizona Trauma Institute's decision to post a blog about car accidents and PTSD from an attorney's perspective is a strategic and thoughtful move. Attorneys specialize in the legal aspects of car accidents, including liability and compensation. However, the...

TraumAddiction: Part 4

TraumAddiction: Part 4

TRAUMADDICTION: SAFETY AND STABILIZATION FOR THE ADDICTED SURVIVOR OF TRAUMA by Eric Gentry Ph.D., LMHC, D.A.A.E.T.S. Amy Menna, LCSW Marjie Scofield, MSW Skills for Developing, Maintaining & Enhancing Safety In order to fully resolve traumatic material, feelings...

TraumAddiction: Part 3

Safety and Stabilization for the Addicted Survivor of Trauma by Eric Gentry, Ph.D, LMHC, CAC, CTS Amy Menna, LCSW Marjie Scofield, MSW  April 1, 2004 Treatment of The Addicted Survivor of Trauma A survivor of trauma is at a significantly greater risk of developing...



TraumAddiction: Safety and Stabilization for the Addicted Survivor of Trauma by Eric Gentry, Ph.D, LMHC, CAC, CTS Amy Menna, LCSW Marjie Scofield, MSW  April 1, 2004   Arousal Symptoms    Brad feels anxious and decides to smoke a cigarette hoping it will...

TraumAddiction: Part 4


TraumAddiction: Safety and Stabilization for the Addicted Survivor of Trauma by Eric Gentry, Ph.D, LMHC, CAC, CTS Amy Menna, LCSW Marjie Scofield, MSW  April 1, 2004 TraumAddiction: Safety and Stabilization Erica is an attractive, 30-year-old woman who recently...

Are You Ready To Be A Revolutionary?

Are You Ready To Be A Revolutionary?

Dr. Robert Rhoton's call to action speech at the 4th Annual Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Forum: For the last 10 years, Phoenix Children’s hospital and the ACE consortium have been striving to increase understanding of the impact of early life adversities in...

I May Be A Little Too Controlling!

I May Be A Little Too Controlling!

"I may be a little controlling, but I don't think I do it too much". This comment and several others came from a thirty year old man who is going through a divorce and is suffering a great deal and seems confused about why every relationship he cares about ends in...

Why Do Well Meaning People Have Marriages That Fail?

Why Do Well Meaning People Have Marriages That Fail?

There are a tremendous number of incredibly sincere people who are struggling to maintain satisfying intimate relationships and marriages. Many of these people struggle as a result of the experiences that they had while grown to maturity within the walls of their own...

Who Chooses to Be Dominated in a Relationship?

Who Chooses to Be Dominated in a Relationship?

Occasionally one can hear criticisms and judgments about people that appear reluctant to leave relationships where they are dominated and sometimes abused. Mental health counselors and therapists also feel frustrated very often when dealing with those that they deem...

The Care and Feeding of a Child’s Brain

The Care and Feeding of a Child’s Brain

Recently speaking to a number of therapists in the southern part of Arizona gathered together for training on the neurobiology of trauma, the question was asked why one needs to understand so much about the brain and it's functioning in order to be a more effective...

Narcissism and Self-centered behavior  Part #3

Narcissism and Self-centered behavior Part #3

Regardless of which pattern is being expressed by an individual in any relationship there is a creation of interactional dynamics that are frequently exhausting, frustrating, personally painful, and emotionally trying. The remaining text is dedicated to illustrating...

Narcissism and Self-centered behavior Part #2

Attachment is about the degree that one feels emotionally connected to others, and the predictable nature of that connection. When attachment is inconsistent or poor the predictable nature of the emotional connection is vague and ill-formed. This appreciably reduces...

Narcissism and Self-centered behavior  Part #1

Narcissism and Self-centered behavior Part #1

A client once sat and expressed that his singular talent was "pissing off" everyone he knew in his life. Even those that started liking him soon learned that he was less than likable in most interactions. The real difficulty was that he was a very intelligent and...

Arizona Trauma Institute
49 South Sycamore Street, Suite 2
Mesa, Arizona 85202

Office: (480) 442-1840
